Hello again!
It's once again time to update everyone on the goings-on over at HD Retrovision HQ. Let's start off with some accomplishments as of late:
- Ste worked at the Video Game History Museum at E3 and started handing out business cards and talking to people interested in our product.
- Finished Sega Genesis test software.
- Updated images on SNES page to more accurately represent our cable output.
- Finished a cool animated logo sequence which will be part of a minute long trailer that should be out soon.
- Started working out our Kickstarter reward levels.
Next up we should be scripting out a Kickstarter pitch video, filming it, and getting stuff together for launching a campaign. Ste has also been busy in the HD Retro-lab testing a new revision of one of the circuit boards. More to come on the incremental improvements made once we get the Kickstarter up. If you have any questions, send us a note through the Contact Us page, or you can contact me directly through nick@hdretrovision.com . Happy gaming!
The Video Game History Museum
Ste at E3
Nick at the HD Retrovision Beats Lab