
Ste and Nick spent most of their childhood avoiding deadly sun rays, opting to play video games instead. They met in high school and both went on to become engineering nerds in college, where the idea for component cables was born. Several years later, they decided to dust off the early prototype and form HD Retrovision. They ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to produce their first run of Genesis and SNES YPbPr cables, and are continuing to work on building products that improve the retro gaming experience.

Our Workforce


Ste Kulov

Lead Design Engineer

Ste (known in NBA Jam as STE) was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago and spent most of his childhood with his hands glued to a SNES controller.  Like so many life-long nerds, Ste went to school for electrical engineering and became an expert at working with circuits. His passion for working on really cool engineering projects is second only to his obsession with video games. Ste conceived the original idea for HD Retrovision in his engineering design class to solve the world's most pressing problem: allowing gamers to play their old systems on TV's that don't have the right inputs.  


Nick Mueller

Jack of All Trades

Nick grew up just down the Streets of Rage from Ste, but the two didn't meet until they had 7th period lunch together during freshman year of high school. While Ste was busy wasting his childhood away on the SNES, Nick was busy wasting away his in front of a Sega Genesis. After getting two degrees in electrical engineering and spending a couple years overseas traveling to just about every country you can name, Nick returned stateside and has since become a Data Scientist so that he could jump on the "Big Data" bandwagon. His only remaining goal in life is to climb the corporate ladder at HD Retrovision.